Blue Lotus Iseum

A Blog of writings and explorations of the Egyptian Pantheon, in particular in support of the worship of the Goddess Isis in all of Her manifestations. Learning more about the Kemetic faith...see us at the Blue Lotus Temple on MSN and the Blue Lotus Iseum on Yahoo Groups and on Geocities...links are on the right side of this page. Blue Lotus Iseum just COULD end up being a REAL place! I am envisioning a Healing Center to be built somewhere in West Central Florida.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Even more pics...

New Pics!

I am now working as an End of Life/Death Doula. This is pretty fitting with my past life recall, definitely Egyptian. Have had that confirmed by several other "seers." I changed the tint of this pic on Corell and working very hard to envision and therefore manifest a real Iseum somewhere when I have a real place of my own. I have been looking at real estate in the local area. My place is here in Florida for now. There is a need for Death Doulas...created a BLOG that I intend to expand at some point. You can see it HERE. I added some cool pics to the YAHOO ELIST. There are some good pics of Isis out there. Going to do some stargazing tonight. Reading up on Sirius/Sopdet/Sothis, the Dog Star, the Star of Isis and the one that preceded the Inundation of the Nile.